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Aspen Shades Punta Mita, Mexico

by ShadeScapes Staff | May 19, 2017 4:10:00 PM

May 19, 2017- Vince Lahey of Aspen Shades is always up for a challenge. His client needed expert help with shade design and installation for a large open air pavilion and pool area in Punta Mita, Mexico. 

Four Umbrosa Spectras were selected due to their strength and versatility. The client loved how the modern blended with the traditional, and that the Spectras could be easily moved to follow the sun throughout the day.


The installation required careful planning to take into consideration patterns in the concrete with the coverage of the patio and pool areas. Once the design was set, the installation was fast.


While the installation went smoothly, the trip to Mexico was a bit of an adventure. It started with Vince’s client suggesting a road trip with a late model Rolls Royce …but that’s another story.


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